Coverage for mpcforces_extractor\visualization\ 0%
112 statements
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1import os
2from typing import List
3from fastapi import (
4 FastAPI,
5 HTTPException,
6 status,
7 Request,
8 Query,
9 Form,
10 UploadFile,
12from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
13from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
14from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse
15from mpcforces_extractor.database.database import (
16 MPCDatabase,
17 MPCDBModel,
18 NodeDBModel,
19 SubcaseDBModel,
20 RunExtractorRequest,
22from mpcforces_extractor.force_extractor import MPCForceExtractor
23from mpcforces_extractor.datastructure.entities import Element, Node, Element1D
24from mpcforces_extractor.datastructure.subcases import Subcase
25from mpcforces_extractor.datastructure.rigids import MPC
28ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 100 # Define a fixed number of items per page
31# Setup Jinja2 templates
32templates = Jinja2Templates(
33 directory="mpcforces_extractor/visualization/frontend/templates"
37app = FastAPI()
41async def startup_event():
42 """
43 Connect to the database when the application starts
44 """
45 print("Connecting to the database")
46 app.db = MPCDatabase()
49# Mount the static files directory
51 "/static",
52 StaticFiles(directory="mpcforces_extractor/visualization/frontend/static"),
53 name="static",
57# API endpoint to get all MPCs
58@app.get("/api/v1/mpcs", response_model=List[MPCDBModel])
59async def get_mpcs() -> List[MPCDBModel]:
60 """Get all MPCs"""
61 return await app.db.get_mpcs()
64# API endpoint to get a specific MPC by ID
65@app.get("/api/v1/mpcs/{mpc_id}", response_model=MPCDBModel)
66async def get_mpc(mpc_id: int) -> MPCDBModel:
67 """Get info about a specific MPC"""
68 mpc = await app.db.get_mpc(mpc_id)
69 if mpc is None:
70 raise HTTPException(
71 status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND,
72 detail=f"MPC with id: {mpc_id} does not exist",
73 )
75 return mpc
78# API endpoint to remove an MPC by ID
80async def remove_mpc(mpc_id: int):
81 """Remove an MPC"""
82 await app.db.remove_mpc(mpc_id)
83 return {"message": f"MPC with id: {mpc_id} removed"}
86@app.get("/api/v1/nodes", response_model=List[NodeDBModel])
87async def get_nodes(page: int = Query(1, ge=1)) -> List[NodeDBModel]:
88 """
89 Get nodes with pagination (fixed 100 items per page)
90 """
91 # Calculate offset based on the current page
92 offset = (page - 1) * ITEMS_PER_PAGE
94 # Fetch nodes from the database with the calculated offset and limit (fixed at 100)
95 nodes = await app.db.get_nodes(offset=offset, limit=ITEMS_PER_PAGE)
97 # Handle case when no nodes are found
98 if not nodes:
99 raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="No nodes found")
101 return nodes
104@app.get("/api/v1/nodes/all", response_model=List[NodeDBModel])
105async def get_all_nodes() -> int:
106 """
107 Get all nodes
108 """
109 nodes = await app.db.get_all_nodes()
111 if not nodes:
112 raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="No nodes found")
114 return nodes
117@app.get("/api/v1/nodes/filter/{filter_input}", response_model=List[NodeDBModel])
118async def get_nodes_filtered(filter_input: str) -> List[NodeDBModel]:
119 """
120 Get nodes filtered by a string, get it from all nodes, not paginated.
121 The filter can be a range like '1-3' or comma-separated values like '1,2,3'.
122 """
123 nodes = await app.db.get_all_nodes()
124 filtered_nodes = []
126 # Split the filter string by comma and process each part
127 filter_parts = filter_input.split(",")
128 for part in filter_parts:
129 part = part.strip() # Trim whitespace
130 if "-" in part:
131 # Handle range like '1-3'
132 start, end = part.split("-")
133 try:
134 start_id = int(start.strip())
135 end_id = int(end.strip())
136 filtered_nodes.extend(
137 node for node in nodes if start_id <= <= end_id
138 )
139 except ValueError:
140 raise HTTPException(
141 status_code=400, detail="Invalid range in filter"
142 ) from ValueError
143 else:
144 # Handle single ID
145 try:
146 node_id = int(part)
147 node = next((node for node in nodes if == node_id), None)
148 if node:
149 filtered_nodes.append(node)
150 except ValueError:
151 raise HTTPException(
152 status_code=400, detail="Invalid ID in filter"
153 ) from ValueError
154 return filtered_nodes
157# API endpoint to get all subcases
158@app.get("/api/v1/subcases", response_model=List[SubcaseDBModel])
159async def get_subcases() -> List[SubcaseDBModel]:
160 """Get all subcases"""
161 return await app.db.get_subcases()"/api/v1/upload-chunk")
165async def upload_chunk(
166 file: UploadFile, filename: str = Form(...), offset: int = Form(...)
168 """
169 Upload a chunk of a file
170 """
171 upload_folder = "data/uploads"
172 file_path = os.path.join(upload_folder, filename)
174 # check if the file exists, if so, delete it
175 if os.path.exists(file_path):
176 os.remove(file_path)
178 # Create the upload directory if it doesn't exist
179 os.makedirs(upload_folder, exist_ok=True)
181 # Open the file in append mode to write the chunk at the correct offset
182 with open(file_path, "ab") as f:
184 content = await
185 f.write(content)
187 return {"message": "Chunk uploaded successfully!"}"/api/v1/run-extractor")
191async def run_extractor(request: RunExtractorRequest):
192 """
193 Run the extractor with the provided filenames
194 """
195 fem_file = request.fem_filename
196 mpcf_file = request.mpcf_filename
198 print(f"Running extractor with files: {fem_file}, {mpcf_file}")
200 # Clear all Instances
201 Node.reset()
202 Element1D.reset()
203 Element.reset_graph()
204 Subcase.reset()
205 MPC.reset()
207 input_folder = "data/uploads"
208 output_folder = "data/output"
209 blocksize = 8
211 mpc_force_extractor = MPCForceExtractor(
212 input_folder + f"/{fem_file}",
213 input_folder + f"/{mpcf_file}",
214 output_folder + f"/FRONTEND_{fem_file.split('.')[0]}",
215 )
217 # Write Summary
218 mpc_force_extractor.build_fem_and_subcase_data(blocksize)
219 app.db = MPCDatabase()
221 # Implement your logic here to run the extractor using the provided filenames
222 # For example, call your main routine here
223 try:
224 # Assuming you have a function called run_extractor_function
225 # run_extractor_function(fem_file, mpcf_file)
226 return {"message": "Extractor run successfully!"}
227 except Exception as e:
228 raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) from e
231# HMTL Section
232# Route for the main page (MPC list)
233@app.get("/mpcs", response_class=HTMLResponse)
234async def read_mpcs(request: Request):
235 """Render the mpcs.html template"""
236 return templates.TemplateResponse("mpcs.html", {"request": request})
239# Route for nodes view (HTML)
240@app.get("/nodes", response_class=HTMLResponse)
241async def read_nodes(request: Request):
242 """Render the nodes.html template"""
243 return templates.TemplateResponse("nodes.html", {"request": request})
246# Route for main view (HTML)
247@app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
248async def read_root(request: Request):
249 """Render the nodes.html template"""
250 return templates.TemplateResponse("main.html", {"request": request})